The Poodle as seen by a dog trainer

The Poodle as seen by a dog trainer

Advice from a pet trainer


We must go back to the middle ages to find the origins of the Poodle, around 700AD when Muslim armies departed from Mecca to northern Africa. While advancing towards the Iberian Peninsula, these dogs bred with native dogs, especially with the Portuguese water dog. Some experts argue that the barbet-poodle is of Muslim origin. From the sixteenth century, it is when the barbet and the poodle begin to come apart.

After a period that it stayed forgotten, it reappeared in France in the court of Louis XV. Many ladies imitating the monarch had poodles whereas at the same time the bichon was also very fashionable.

Physical Attributes:

Poodles are very agile and powerful, which makes them exceptional for sports. As for their height, they measure from 25cm to 58 cm depending on the variety (toy, miniature, medium and standard).


It is a faithful, cheerful and alert breed. They really like playing and they are quick learners, which makes them ideal for pets.


Needs regular brushing and professional care.


The cost can be very high if the grooming is very common. They are quite greedy regarding food and so we should avoid excesses.


Most of the poodles I have worked with learn fast and do not forget. Poodles can be stubborn, but because of their intelligence starting training early can help them to fully develop all their skills and reach the maximum of their potential.


An active dog, loves long walks and exercise. If you are an active person this may the best breed for you.

More Breeds

You can check Mario’s advice on other dog breeds here

More information from experts of your Poodle

Care guide for the hygiene of your Poodle

In our blog you can also find a care guide for the hygiene of your Poodle developed by a group of experts. It explains how often you should bath your dog, trim its nails, clear its ears etc. and which are the most adequate tools.

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