The Bichon Maltese as seen by a dog trainer
Advice from a pet trainer
The Maltese together with the Bichon Frise are the best known within the Bichons, more known than the Bichon Bolognese and the Bichon Havanese. From all the Bichons, the Maltese is the oldest. Actually, statues of it were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses II.
Their appearance has not changed over the centuries, judging by the works of art discovered. They were introduced in Asia in the first century A.D. at the hands of the merchants as they accompanied people along the Silk Road. As for their exact origin, there are many different hypotheses about this.
In recent times, the Bichon Maltese has been present in Europe since the fifteenth century.
Physical Attributes:
The Bichon Maltese is a companion dog, it is not the type of dog that we can leave in the garden. As for sports, it is not the most adequate breed.
Bright and elegant and very attached to their owners. They like to play with little kids and to be outside (not necessarily by walking though). Often being so elegant and cute, their owners tend to treat them like teddy bears, leading to moderate behavioral problems inside and outside the home.
Grooming can be quite complicated, in order to retain their spectacular coat, on which the whole reputation of the breed is based, grooming needs to be done by a professional.
Around 100g of food per day.
To avoid the behavioral problems mentioned above, it is necessary to have rules. Despite their size they are not weak at all. I have encountered some cases where these dogs have become true dictators, making it a real hell to live with them, biting all family members. With firm rules however, your Maltese will make a wonderful pet.
Needs regular short walks, ideal for people that do not want to exercise with their dog.
More Breeds
You can check Mario’s advice on other dog breeds here
More information from experts of your Bichon Maltese
Care guide for the hygiene of your Bichon Maltese
In our blog you can also find a care guide for the hygiene of your Bichon Maltese developed by a group of experts. It explains how often you should bath your dog, trim its nails, clear its ears etc. and which are the most adequate tools.
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